Welcome to more efficiency without borders!
Willkommen! Gruezi! Benvenuti! Bienvenue!
Do you need someone to take care of all customs clearances for you? Then you have certainly come to the right place. We process all international shipments quickly, competently, and securely for you. Be it transit procedure or import for free circulation – whether export or import declaration – we have the expertise in all customs procedures and always choose the best option for you. In doing so we always act as an objective service agency independent of hauliers and companies.
You will then have more time for the important things. Work with real customs experts!
Customs advice
Our team is available to answer any unusual questions regarding cross-border movement of goods.
Our objective customs advice…
Customs clearances
We will handle all the formalities and documents required for customs clearance when importing and exporting goods.
We help open borders for you…
How can we help you?
We are happy to help you with any customs-related matter and look forward to hearing from you.
Phone CH: +41 71 67 79 50-0 | Phone DE: +49 75 31 45 55 54 | Email: info@zollas.ch